It was made it to the exact size need to take up most of the wall, and she made the shelves the heights she need (i.e. a big one that the mixer would fit on and a small one for cans and then everything in between).
This was no cheap DIY knock off; boards, pipe, connectors, casters, and stain all are pretty pricey and when you're working with something of that size, it adds up quickly! Here at Just A Darling life we are absolutely obsessed with how it turned out, its functional and oh so fabulously cute!
Here are a little tips and tricks about how to make it we can pass on to you:
Castors in general can be really expensive, especially locking ones and you absolutely HAVE to have locking casters with something like this. You don't want to accidentally bump into it and have it start rolling away! We found our 3" locking castors at Harbor Freight for like half the price they were at Home Depot!
The type and quality of wood you use isn't that big of a deal. We used the cheapest we could find and ended up getting 6'x12" boards from Home Depot and then picking a stain and staining them. The stain made all the knots and beauty marks in the wood come out and look so amazing. Remember, flaws can be beautiful!
For all the pipes and fasteners we used plumbing supplies from Home Depot. The secret here that you might not know is that they will cut and thread your pipes for you at Home Depot, FOR FREE! We figured out how many pipes and of what lengths we needed before we went in and then bought the pipe that comes in 10' lengths and had them cut down and then threaded. This is a long a grueling process, just FYI. Plan on being there for a few hours, it took the guy doing it for us (and can I take a second to say a huge THANK YOU to him right now, he was awesome) about 3 hours to cut and thread all of the pipes we needed.